Spiral Dynamics - Stage Orange


Word count:22966

[Music] you in this episode we're continuing our discussion of the psychological model known as spiral dynamics this is a multi-part series this is the second part in the series we're gonna be talking all about stage Orange which comes after stage blue so go watch the blue episode first and then come back and watch Orange otherwise you might get lost so the way spiral dynamics works is you have beige purple red blue orange and then after orange you have green yellow and then finally turquoise I'm not covering the lower stages because those are so basic that most people wouldn't get much value from that but orange orange is perhaps the most important stage to talk about because orange is probably the stage that you are at I would estimate that at least 50% of my audience is at stage Orange because especially in Western democracies first world countries and now even many third world countries stage orange culture that has been exported from America and from the first world all around the globe now through the internet and through Hollywood movies and all of this it all embodies the stage Orange set of values and worldview and that's fundamentally what spiral dynamics stages are they are a system of values and a worldview that you have and the way you got this is you were programmed and conditioned with this set of values depending on which culture you grew up in and the era that you grew up in the proble course though is is that this is not just a worldview that you hold or a set of values to you this is reality you hold this as the absolute truth you hold this as being the only way it should be and you of course try to impose your worldview and values onto everybody else and it's because you're looking at the whole world from your limited worldview you don't really understand the world and then when you have wars and political battles and debates and religion and science and all sorts of crazy conspiracy and all this sort of stuff happening all around you you don't understand how come there's all this craziness well it's because you're looking at the world from your little corner of the world and you don't really understand the the Greater complexity and how the mind gets programmed with this mind virus like software which then runs and determines how you interact with everything in life your color on this psychological model like orange for example or blue or green it's a set of values that basically determines how you think about every facet of life it determines what you think a good relationship is it determines how you think human beings should interact with one another it determines what kind of food is the right food it determines what kind of clothing is right clothing it determines what kind of government is the right government it determines how education should be how politics should be how business should be run it determines your views on sexuality on gender identity on masculinity and femininity on how society should be structured on what kids should be taught in school or not taught in school what you should believe metaphysically whether you should believe in a God or not believe in a God or who you should pray to what religion means for you or doesn't mean for you or your relationship to science into rationality all of this is dictated by the spiral dynamics stage that you are at and this episode is going to be highly relevant to most of you because right now especially in first world countries and in America most people are stuck in one of two places on the spiral dynamics model they are between blue and orange and orange and green so very few people in America and in first world democracies these days are purely solid blue that almost cannot pass because our culture and our media is so heavily influential and it's very orange and I'll explain what that means in a lot of detail here in a minute so most people even the most conservative evangelicals and the the sort of religious nut cases in America they are not solid blue they are like maybe 50% blue 50% orange if you notice even the evangelicals and the Christians and the Catholics they're still very heavily influenced by the business ideals and the sort of capitalist ideal that orange embodies so a lot of people are stuck there and then a little bit beyond that the more evolved people so to speak they are stuck between green and orange or orange and green so they have 50% orange in them because of the the movies they watch and because they are interested in money and success and business and this sorts of stuff but then also they have some higher greener values which is more about they care about equality and they care about compassion for their human beings and they care about the environment so this and so they're not fully at green most people are not fully agree and so now you have this battle that's what's taking place in American politics is this battle between half blue half orange people and half orange half green people really they're not that far apart you could find positions along the spiral which are much further apart and yet at the same time it feels like there's such enemies and there's these polar opposites it's very interesting how this works so again I want to give credit to clare graves dawn Beck and Christopher Cohen for their research and work in developing this model spiral dynamics is a very complicated model it's a very nuanced model which required a lot of research years these these people dedicated their entire lives to researching this stuff so don't think that wow that amaz just is this simple little thing for stereotyping and demonizing caricature izing other people that's not what sprawl dynamics is it's much more nuanced than that and also I want to give credit to the website spiral dynamics intramural dot NL so the reason this episode is going to be so valuable for you is because you are probably quite thoroughly indoctrinated into Orange values in the orange worldview so much so that what this episode is gonna do it's gonna be like me pointing out water to a fish you see most Americans are so indoctrinated with orange they don't know that they're in orange they're blind to it so it can be very helpful to start to become conscious of just the mental software that is running pretty much all your beliefs and all your behaviors and your entire life so let's get down to it what is the essence of orange its individual achievement improving the self through artful calculation you start to act in your own selfish interests and you're playing the game to win which is a shift away from the blue worldview the blue worldview was about sacrificing yourself for the sake of civilization it was about sacrificing for your country for your religion for your community it was about living for the afterlife so all be working and disciplining myself really hard now I'll be a good little boy in this life so that I can get to heaven to the afterlife and then orange says no wait a minute what's more important than the afterlife is the here and now it's the material life we don't really care about the afterlife let's play this game here to improve our position and so with orange comes the rise of business materialism consumerism secular humanism the separation of church and state popular culture scientism or science as a Dogma or science turned in to the new religion technology success oriented self-help and the rise of democracy as opposed to what we had in blue which was more of a theocratic form of government so here we have the rise of secular democracies let me give you a list of all of oranges values this is what is nearest and dearest to oranges heart and these key words again that I'm about to give you these key words are gonna resonate with you if you're an orange person or if you have shades of orange maybe you're mostly green but you still have bits and pieces of orange chances are most of you watching still have quite a bit of orange in your psyche and these values will resonate with you and you can use these key words to make rapport with orange people because as soon as they hear you using these key words are gonna be feeling like oh yeah that's it that's exactly what reality is about that's exactly our my highest ideals that's what I'm aiming for in life that's what's driving everything I'm doing in my life in my family life in my business life with my finances with my pursuit of of the kind of videos that I watch on YouTube and all that all of this has dictated by orange values so here they are perhaps first and foremost at the top of the list is achievement success and excellence orange is about climbing his or her way to the top in orange you have upward mobility whereas in blue your mobility in the social hierarchy was limited because you had caste systems and it was a very fixed rigid system whereas in orange now there's opportunities you can work for yourself you can become successful you can improve yourself and you can achieve your way to the top so upward mobility becomes possible and as that opens up orange becomes obsessed with becoming number one becoming the best being a winner do you feel that in your own life like you're trying to be the best in your career you're trying to be the best in your sport you're trying to be the best in your school that's the kind of value that orange indoctrinates you with orange is about improving is one position in life orange values efficiency progress productivity and optimization everything must be optimized Orange values gaming the system min maxing and manipulation Orange can be extremely manipulative manipulating resources to get the kind of successful outcomes that he or she wants from society creative exploitation orange has no qualms about exploiting a situation or exploiting a person to get the kind of outcome and results that orange wants Orange values action results in pragmatism orange doesn't care about the afterlife or about fluffy metaphysical philosophical ideas orange wants to take action orange wants results orange wants tangible goods material profit orange values never-ending growth always be growing that's oranges motto orange of course values capitalism and libertarianism orange values competitive marketplaces deregulation and D nationalization why do we need regulation we don't need that let's just all be libertarian so let's just all be fighting for ourselves it's all about individualism groups don't matter community doesn't matter all that fluffy stuff that maybe was something we needed back then but these days we don't need that everyone can just be fighting gunning for himself climbing the ladder and best man wins Orange values hard work business and entrepreneurship Orange values competition and winner-take-all situations orange prides himself on being a strong competitor Orange values self-improvement and here we have the rise of the self-help industry which before was religion self-help was really religion but orange doesn't like religion orange wants to secularize religion so orange is in to self-help and so a lot of the principles from religion get sort of secularized and transmogrified into the self-help movement and self-help books which don't make any explicit mentions of God or anything like that or spirituality but there's little bits in there but mostly this sort of orange self-help is all about prosperity how do you prosper how do you climb your way to the top how do you manipulate better a lot of orange self-help and of course there's also green self-help and yellow self-help but orange self-help is all about how do you manipulate the marketplace to kind of improve your own station life because of this orange starts to value skills knowledge and education the acquisition of skills becomes paramount for oranges ability to climb his way to the top orange values confidence optimism and charisma orange values entertainment and showmanship orange values personal freedom self-reliance and independence and he believes that everyone should strive towards self-reliance and independence and dependence on the welfare state or something like that or on the government's or dependence on religion that this is just a crutch of course Orange values free speech towards dissent orange values money sex and luxury orange values net worth it's all about increasing your net worth that's how orange judges his progress in life orange values physical appearance Beauty youth sexiness and coolness so with this of course comes consumerism and conspicuous consumption it's all about buying the newest iPhone buying the newest Gucci purse or the newest Ray Ban sunglasses to look cool to fit in with the culture with the times and of course fashion is constantly changing so it's all about having the fashionable clothes and and putting up that image that you sort of like you're on the cutting edge of culture brands is something that orange values whether it's Rolex or Ray Ban or Gucci or Dolce and Gabanna all this sorts of stuff Chanel orange values popular culture celebrities and social media all of oranges culture is just basically a sort of glorification of celebrities because celebrities represent the Orange ideal actualized you look up to people like Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt and sexy supermodels and and hot stars and Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton and all this sort of stuff it's like yeah that's what I'm supposed to be I'm supposed to become famous I'm supposed to become rich I'm supposed to become admired I'm supposed to become that wealthy rapper or that successful NBA player or that successful football player with the hot girlfriend and the wife and the sports car and all this sort of stuff that becomes like that's what life is about that's the ideal and celebrities they're the ones who succeeded so I'm gonna kind of emulate in mere the celebrities I'm gonna read what the celebrities tell me works and I'm gonna do that and try to become a celebrity myself Orange values quarterly profits mass-market and sales it's all about how to increase sales how do you take a product to the biggest market possible all around the world let's dumb down this product and make it as mass-market as possible mass market books mass-market movies mass-market products mass market food mass-market drinks everything mass-market orange is all about math production and Industry which of course is the whole industrial revolution and factories and automation orange is orange values rationality logic science secularism and humanism this is huge this is one of the defining characteristics of orange because it's a swing away from religion belief faith and just blind obedience to Authority so that orange is becoming rebellious and swinging the pendulum in the opposite direction so orange is all about sort of thinking for yourself hard-nosed science orange is not interested in New Age mumbo jumbo orange wants pragmatism empiricism scepticism orange applies skepticism to everything except of course to orange and to skepticism itself and orange of course doesn't apply skepticism to science but that's that's another topic orange doesn't care about metaphysics orange feels that metaphysics is just speculative religious nonsense which gets us into trouble and so orange says on metaphysics is just nonsense there's nothing within metaphysics of value what we need to do is use hard pragmatism and empiricism and utilitarianism and of course that ultimately lets paints orange into a corner because in fact orange does have a metaphysics in orange as metaphysics is materialism reductionism atheism evolution this is oranges metaphysics but orange doesn't see this as a metaphysics orange sees this as a reality it's like leo that's not metaphysics materialism it's just true science is just true evolution is just true atheism is just true reductionism is just true science has proved this long ago science works Leo look science works if science wasn't true how could we have airplanes and how could we have videos and look Leo here shooting this this video on a camera you're posting it on YouTube how could any of this book be possible if what you're saying about science is is is isn't true how is that possible well of course um that's that's the myopia of orange orange doesn't see anything above because in oranges mind there's only blue and orange and so orange is reacting as blue and thinks that it's superior to blue because it's transcended blind indoctrination and dogma and and sort of religious faith and authority figures and that's good to transcend that is good but there's there's something beyond that as well orange does not recognize the limits of rationality or science orange values technology very highly orange values analysis orange values facts and too orange there is such a thing as facts the physical facts these are not in dispute to orange the data doesn't lie Orange values data analytics models and orange tries to quantify everything everything can be fitted with an algorithm with a mathematical equation orange values science based fact-based education whereas in blue education was indoctrination basically religious indoctrination orange moves away from that and for orange now it's about the facts about teaching kids science and math and and history and doing so in sort of what orange considers to be a factual and objective manner which of course is nonsense there's nothing factual about the way that orange teaches children orange indoctrinate children into orange but it's a different level of indoctrination of different kind of indoctrination than blue it's superior to blue but still very limited orange values double-blind peer-reviewed studies Orange values scientific method the scientific method replaces the religious method that blue had a blind faith in but of course orange now has a blind faith in scientific method Orange values IQ because everything can be quantified so of course intelligence can easily be quantified with a few tests so let's just quantify your IQ and of course IQ that's that's going to determine how good of a rationalist you are how good you can reason and do logic and how good of a scientist you can be and that is the truth so that's highly valuable in oranges opinion orange values strategic thinking and risk analysis orange values innovation and creative thinking orange values results and this attitude that the bottom line matters the most it's all about the bottom line Orange values maintaining a competitive edge Orange values competence rather than rank or bloodlines in red and in blue your position within an organization often didn't have anything to do with your competence or your skills or your knowledge or whether you had a PhD or not it had to do with what your rank was what your caste was and even your blood relations like are you the son of the Pope if you are then you're gonna be next in line this sort of kind of mentality orange does away with that for Orange spouts how competent are you how good are you at your craft Orange values recognition and reward orange values win-win outcomes when orange can get it but also orange will not have any qualms about manipulating you and stabbing you in the back to get an outcome that is just a win for himself that's the values of Laurence when does orange emerge along the spiral historically from an evolutionary perspective why does orange evolve orange evolves blues starts to recognize the limitations of itself when blue gets taken to its ultimate conclusion blue starts to notice that wait a minute maybe this absolute truth that I believed in with such certainty maybe it's not so certain maybe the world is not so black and white maybe the divisions between good and evil are not so clear maybe there's a little bit more gray in between maybe my religious authorities maybe the Pope maybe the Buddha maybe Christ maybe Mohammed maybe they didn't know everything maybe my Bibles didn't write everything correctly maybe there were some things that the people who wrote the Bible didn't understand about reality and you see that's a big shift because now there's a shift away from just blind obedience to Authority and religious indoctrination and now there's a little bit more of a shift towards thinking for yourself investigating reality empirically for oneself to verify and determine what the truth really is and so with this historically came the Scientific Revolution and then a little bit later the Industrial Revolution that's how orange emerged out of blue and as that starts to happen science makes new discoveries which allow for new sorts of technology and this technology starts to radically transform the culture and it starts to undermine the certainty of religion and as that happens the population start to desire more of a separation between the church and the state the limitations of using church and state together into a theocracy start to become very clear because then what you have is you have oppression by the religious authorities and really you sort of have the worst of both worlds because the state government gets corrupted by religion but also religion gets corrupted by the state and that becomes a problem so now people want to sort of separate them out and there's a separating out of the domains of legend and science so science starts say well we just do empirical investigation we don't really care about cosmic metaphysical questions about God and about good and evil and about morality those things are not scientific so science will just focus on on the facts and then if you guys want to debate about metaphysics or whatever you can do that in your church so you know there's there's some tolerance within orange for religion but mostly it's kind of cordoned off and you don't talk about religion and universities and sort of stuff there's a sort of separation of religion from education and of course that's very disturbing for blue because blue believes it has the absolute truth so it wants to indoctrinate the truth whereas orange now says no we got to do science we got to do Studies we got to do research this sorts of stuff Orange becomes much more skeptical oftentimes in a in a neurotic and toxic manner with the transition to orange there's an awakening to science and to rationality which is why orange finds a lot of blue people to be irrational you can't argue with them you can't reason with them you can't get them to accept the facts you can't get a creationist to accept evolution of course because the creationist has not awoken to notions of rationality and scientific investigation and Pyrrhus ism Orange becomes highly pragmatic or starts to desire personal success because in blue it was about sacrificing for the afterlife and after a certain point you know you sacrifice you sacrifice your sacrifice but then you realize like wait a minute what if I only have this one life what if there is no afterlife then I'm wasting my only opportunity here and after all how can we be sure there is an afterlife therefore isn't it the most rational thing just to live this life and to get the most success and happiness and pleasure out of this life right now and then we'll deal with the afterlife if it comes but let's deal with today first let's fix the problems that we have a society here today because look we have dysfunctional government so we have oppression of minorities we have we have technology that can help to to make the entire world more prosperous we can cure diseases and we can we can make our lives easier but religion isn't focused on any of that blue doesn't care about that blue cares about the afterlife and that's that's so far into the future who really cares about that orange things and so orange says let's improve our conditions on this planet for everybody and so orange then becomes this pursuit not of the religious righteous life but the pursuit of prosperity and the idea that technology will solve all of mankind's problems that's really the only problem mankind has orange thinks is it's just that we haven't built enough cars and airplanes and advanced technology and computers and we haven't interconnected the whole world with fiber optics to deliver entertainment and televisions to everybody in food and and and medicine to cure diseases if we just had this then the whole world would be civilized and everyone would live in happiness and that's sort of the ultimate ideal and that's what orange pursues here are some characteristics of orange or SHIVs characterised by a drive for personal results and success and status orange strives for autonomy and independence it doesn't want to be hemmed in by the bureaucratic systems of blue blue is bureaucratic and hierarchical and orange is all about kind of going off on your own becoming an entrepreneur and exploiting the system a little bit to get ahead orange seeks the good life and material abundance orange is characterized by having this notion that progress will come from learning nature's secrets and finding the best solutions which we do through science orange is characterized by manipulating the earth's resources how do we manipulate the resources so that we can build the stuff we need to make life easier for everybody if only life was easier then all our problems would be solved and everyone would be happy you know for orange societies prosper through strategy technology and competition competition is a good thing we want people competing otherwise people are just gonna become lazy and no one's gonna want to work like in a socialist country they orange thinks no one's gonna work because there's no reason there's no incentive so we got to keep a little bit of competition there's gotta be some danger to life you can't just give everybody a universal income and then everybody just lives happily ever after that that doesn't work for orange because orange thrives on competition thrives on outdoing other orange people orange desires to enhance life through science and technology or just trying to uncover the mysteries of the universe via science and mathematical algorithms there's an aversion within Orange to religion spirituality and mysticism there's a desire to secularize and demystify everything fundamentally Orange believes that there's nothing mysterious about reality everything can be demystified as long as we just keep doing more science the implicit metaphysics of orange which orange doesn't recognize is the Big Bang atoms and brains orange believes in an objective external reality realities just there there was the Big Bang it came from somewhere we got a bunch of atoms out of these atoms complexity somehow evolved and then we got these brains and from this brain we got consciousness and now we're conscious of all this stuff that happened that's oranges basic metaphysical story and orange is very certain that that is all there is that's all there isn't there's after life there's no god there's no angels there's no demons there's no Devils there's none of no spirits no ghosts none of this Airy fairy immaterial stuff reality is purely physical purely material consciousness just neurons in the brain psychedelics are just stuff happening in the brain that's all it is religious beliefs and ideas are just mumbo-jumbo just myths religion is just silly superstition all religions are false miracles are impossible healing is impossible paranormal phenomena are impossible God is impossible the devil is impossible reality is impersonal reality doesn't care about you he doesn't care about happiness or love or your afterlife none of this matters it's just a cold brute reality there's really no meaning to it because just a physical mechanical system maybe we're living in some sort of matrix like simulation we can't really know we'll never know that's a nun falsifiable proposition that's not large things orange thinks that if you can't quantify a thing it doesn't exist love what is love love doesn't exist can you quantify it no so it doesn't exist intelligence what is intelligence well intelligence is what we can quantify through an IQ test that's all it is what about God well where is God if God existed we could quantify it you could point to it but you can't point to it so therefore it doesn't exist that's how orange things orange likes to point out the hypocrisy of religious blue people orange is quick to point out that religion has caused a lot of evil in the world and that even though religious people claim blue people claim to to be moral and righteous and claim to be following the principles of God and the the the lofty principles of Jesus or the Buddha in point of fact they butcher and slaughter each other and we have the Spanish Inquisition and we have all sorts of religious fanatics and terrorists and this and that so really the world would be much better off without religion that's how orange thinks and in oranges eyes religion religious people blue people they're just hypocrites they're full of [ __ ] so orange it's much better to just be an atheist just to admit that you don't really believe in God you don't really know what the universe holds and to just admit that you don't know and to just deal with it orange thinks that blue uses religion as a crutch and that what religion and thoughts of the afterlife what that is is that that's just blues inability to deal with the brute fact that you're gonna die and that at the end of that there's gonna be nothing another thing that characterizes orange is of course strong emphasis on logical thinking and critical observation or just quick to poke holes and any kind of religious theories or books orange is big on acquisition of knowledge in a material sort of fashion knowledge is accumulated like material like possessions like physical books and facts and how many theories do you know Orange values credentials from the academic community like PhDs and certificates and diploma orange values scientific expertise oranges focused on experience rather than Dogma or metaphysical speculation that's what universities are built upon no one in a universities gonna take you seriously if you started talking about metaphysics or if you present dogmatic ideas they want you to present articulated well reasoned arguments that are backed up by scientific data and research studies orange is here to play to win and to enjoy the competition for orange self-expression comes through competition to orange the world is full of opportunities so orange tends to be optimistic and energized to go out there and build something to make something of himself and because of this orange feels that losers the losers in life they deserve what they get that bum on the street he deserves what he gets because he's not working hard enough if that bum bothered to go go to the library read some books and pull himself up by the bootstraps and work really hard he can clean himself up and he could scrap together some money he could be a rags to riches story but he doesn't want to do that because he's lazy so he's a loser orange has this interesting aversion to emotions fuzzy thinking and to love orange is highly left-brained highly logical and rational and orange believes that emotions compassion love fuzzy thinking these are all sort of woowoo airy-fairy metaphysical things these are higher-order phenomena these are not what reality is really made of and so really your emotions are just like distorting influences on your ability to just do cold hard calculated reasoning so when I'm making business decisions I don't want emotions to come in there I don't want my my feelings for my employees or my my feelings for the environment or for the animals that maybe we're gonna pay over pave over some forest in order to build our factory or something I don't want to care about those animals I don't want to love those animals or think about what they feel or how they suffer now that that that prohibits me from optimizing my mechanical strategy for dominating the environment and forgetting what I want my success for orange success is mechanical factories technology assembly lines accumulation a big pile of gold that's success to orange or a well-functioning business with infrastructure factories and assembly lines and workers and and all of this patents intellectual property this is success for orange orange is profit seeking and opportunistic orange will try to squeeze out every last penny that it can wherever it can however it can doesn't care about whether it's cheap it doesn't care whether it's cheesy or whether it's a it's soulless it just wants to seek the profit orange is all head over heart cold calculating decisions heart is seen as weakness that's something for girls and of course orange has a problem with the feminine orange tends to be the sort of highly masculine approach to sort of alpha male alpha dominance over the world and so you see CEOs of the biggest companies - for fortune 500 companies these CEOs what are these are these are like alpha males it's all about climbing your way to the top clawing your way to the top you Beck's backstab a few people here and there to get your way to the top you exploit you manipulate you scheme your political to get your way to the top and then once you're there you're gonna be you're gonna be the big boss so you got a dress dress in a nice big boss suit with the big big boss Rolex gold Rolex on yours and on your wrist and all this sort of stuff orange is characterized by a serging self-centeredness because now it's all about myself it's all about how do I accumulate more increase my net worth and maybe also look out for my family but it doesn't really matter what happens to my employees or what happens to my community that stuff doesn't really concern orange orange is characterized by image over substance if we can fake the image of success and of happiness then we've got happiness and success having successes nothing but the image of happiness and success it's a lack of substance that's fundamentally what materialism is about and so therefore orange is obsessed with physical appearance orange wants a good physical appearance from everything around him all the people around him and of course orange wants to have a good physical appearance himself women are viewed as sex objects women are objectified orange doesn't really have the capacity to love or to relate to a woman and of course orange is not just exclusive to men there are orange women as well mmm but still it it's worse it's worse what a man is orange than what a woman is orange because when a woman is orange she still have has her her feminine side a lot of times and so she still has compassion so women actually lean a little bit more green than orange and men tend to lean a little bit more orange because it's just I guess it's because of testosterone and because of sort of the the culture we have of being masculine and not being weak and so for orange the problem is is orange doesn't like looking weak or feeling vulnerable or exposing his emotions or her emotions and of course sex is just treated sort of as a transaction it's not really about loving the person it's not about any kind of higher spiritual notions or connections and it's just a transaction the more sex I could have with the more hotter people the better and I guess for women the way this manifests is more like the gold digger stereotype where the woman sort of just used sex as a means toward maybe getting into a marriage and kind of locking in the provider husband who's very rich and who's gonna provide her with with a nice car and that and the plastic surgery and the cosmetics and the perfume and the shopping sprees and all this sort of stuff so definitely women can suffer from the sort of materialistic mindset as well for orange there's little time or attention for people because orange is so focused on material and orange will use people as material orange tends to be cold and professional and the relationships tend to be transactional so the reason I'm relating to another human being if I'm orange is because I need something from that human being and the quicker I can get it the sooner I can break off this relationship because once I get what I want from this transaction it's like a business deal then I don't need this relationship because the relationship is actually a vulnerability because the relationship puts a certain burner on me I have to care about the emotions navigating all this to orange this is all like emotional fluffy girly stuff we don't need that let me just get my sex then I'm out of here or let me just get what I want from that person and then I'm done with him sort of thing so orange can use and exploit people orange is like a shark it thrives on activity and sometimes it can be little bloodthirsty orange can be blind to the suffering of other people orange can be blind to the suffering that it causes to other people in its transactional style of relating orange can be interested in helping other people but often is not in a personal way it's a sort of mechanical roboticle way like orange would like to help people in mass at a distance so if I can build a website that helps people date or hook up in that way I could help people as an orange entrepreneur or as an orange entrepreneur maybe what I do is I invent some gadget and then I try to mass produced as gadget by the trillions and spread it all across the planet and earn as much as money as possible and yes I'm helping people with this gadget I invented but at a sort of at a distance you see I'm not really getting involved with with people to help them I will help them through some sort of mechanical process and I'm not gonna focus on helping them emotionally I'm gonna focus on helping them materially so if I can invent a gadget that will help you to maybe have better sex like I invent some Center sex pill that increases the pleasure of your sex okay great I'll invent that that's a that's a tangible material thing and then I'll sell that for lots of money and I'll make the whole world happier this sort of thing but uh but like I'm not gonna care about depression I'm not gonna care about emotional problems that people have this stuff to Orange doesn't really matter because the chief problem with mankind in oranges eyes is that it doesn't have enough material luxury to be happy and so that's how well we gotta solve orange is characterized by wanting to do fun things with fun people orange now likes entertainment because in blue blue was very uptight blue didn't let itself have fun or to laugh or to go to a party to relax to let loose orange now sort of takes that to the other extreme now it wants to go to party wants to go drink and do drugs and have fun and listen to music and do this sort of stuff and go on vacations and eat lots of food and gorge itself it sort of becomes a little gluttonous and eveness hedonistic rather orange is perfectly happy to bend the rules for personal sess orange believes that more economic growth will solve all our problems orange tries to monetize everything orange comes with the rise of profanity and vulgarity because in blue you could not be vulgar or profane because you have to maintain an air of religiosity so you couldn't go around telling people to [ __ ] off and you couldn't wear shirts with with sort of rebellious slogans on them and you couldn't be too vulgar you couldn't say vulgar jokes in public because that would make you seem like you're not religious whereas orange now the floodgates sort of open to comedy and profanity and vulgarity and so now everyone says [ __ ] and everyone says Contin and everyone's cool with it and now it's sort of like a race to the bottom of who can say [ __ ] mo the most with orange comes the rise of comedy comedians poking fun at the status quo see a blue person would be scared of poking fun of religion or the church or of their society this was all off-limits but now orange because orange sees the hypocrisy in blue orange goes to town the comedian's go to town they rip apart religion they were part traditional values or a part the family values all the hypocrisy of blue they rip that all apart they use that his father fought or grist for the comedic mill orange prefers to use intelligence rather than force so rather than sending in the tanks orange will just figure out a way to manipulate the situation so that he he just buys you out orange takes calculated risks orange looks for loopholes in everything to see how it can exploit it with orange there's a rise of the middle class which tended to not exist in blue and red so this can be very positive thing there's also a rise of knowledge workers rather than manual laborers knowledge workers are much more highly valued than manual laborers with orange the cathedrals of blue get replaced by corporate boardrooms I love that image thinking of it like that that sort of sums up orange in a nutshell relative to blue and to orange tradition and heritage and family values which were so important to blue they just become sort of irrelevant who cares about traditional cares about heritage let me just forge my own path and make something of myself in in the world that's how orange thinks all right now let's cover examples of orange I've already been giving little bits and pieces of it here but now let's really get into this I have a long long long long list of examples of orange now here's what I want you to keep in mind is that I'm deliberately flooding you with examples literally hundreds of examples here in a minute because I want you to see the diversity of orange there's a lot here it's not that every single orange person fits into this narrow a little straightjacket it's a much it's much broader than most people think spiral dynamics every stage whether it's orange or blue or green it's not like this narrow category it's a very broad category and we have people who are towards the bluish end of the orange spectrum towards the middle or towards the extreme orange or now towards more orange greenish and then you have different degrees like people who are just like super super super passionate about their orange and they're completely unabashed about it and they just kind of completely let loose and other people who are orange but you know they kind of temper their orange they're not like cartoon caricatures of orange so start to notice this since I'm going to be giving these examples so perhaps first and foremost is America as a whole I think the way that the third world or people all around the world outside of America view America is basically as epitomizing this orange set of values and ideals that we're talking about even though of course much of Middle America is actually still blue but what we export as a as a culture through Hollywood movies and magazines and the fast food in the KFC and the McDonald's in the Walmarts and the Starbucks all over the world what are we exporting we're not exporting blue values and broke blue worldview were exporting orange Americana and of course capitalism capitalism is the epitome of orange capitalism taken just like full-bore with no stops that's orange emerging China even though of course China has a lot of blue in it still and technically it's communist but the economic system of China is really capitalism businessmen CEOs business suits corporate boardrooms lawyers Wall Street these are all the perfect examples of orange the movie wolf of Wall Street the behavior of the main character in wolf of Wall Street that's pure orange that's like orange taken - it's sort of ultimate extreme where Orange becomes this sort of just like hedonism and just this kind of reckless pursuit of personal gain and wealth so much wealth that you have a hard time spending it fast enough other examples include insider trading the city of Manhattan sort of is a good example of orange as a whole hedge fund managers Goldman Sachs Big Pharma Big Oil the big banks tobacco companies advertising almost all advertising is an example of orange fortune 500 companies entrepreneurs libertarians ayan Rand professional sports these tens of million dollar contracts that that these celebrities and professional athletes get fifa the NBA the Superbowl sponsorship deals high-fashion Rolexes and expensive watches nightclubs pickup are you into pickup pickup is a pure embodiment of orange it's all about how can you manipulate girls to have sex with the hottest girls as soon as possible and then move on to the next girl that's basically what pickup is there are some people within pickup who starts to lean a little bit more more green because they start to see the limitations of pickup but the essence of pickup is pure orange and there's this belief that all you really need to be happy in life is just to bang more girls and also now you're gonna say of course those of you who are into pickup and I know because I was deeply into pickup so I'm speaking from experience here you're gonna say olio but but it's not just about the girls it's about growing myself and it's becoming a man it's about weight lifting and eating healthy food and this is sort of our SD mentality that's still all orange it's still completely orange it's still completely self-centered it's still completely you pursuing your own achievement in your own success damn the consequences damn anything else MOG cow red pill the bro culture these are all examples of orange Republicans Donald Trump now Donald Trump and Republicans are interesting because of course Republicans there's a range of Republicans you have some Republicans that are very deeply blue but even when they're really blue have plenty of orange in them they still tend to be business people and they still tend to be very influenced by lobbying and the source of stuff so most Republicans are I would say are probably 50 percent blue 50 percent orange roughly in that area but then of course you have some Republicans that lean a little bit more solid orange and less blue and these are the people that you actually see standing up to Trump there's a few handful of Republicans who are not accepting of Trump and and then you have you even have some Republicans that have a little bit of green in them these these tend to be the more moderate ones so there's there's a range of Republicans and kind of like what they represent but this sort of Ronald Reagan ideal of like business and deregulation and just like trickle-down economics this sort of stuff that's what I mean is orange within the Republican Party and of course Trump Trump is a great example of orange although most people because they haven't studied spiral dynamics really so most people like in the news media they assume that Trump is pure orange and I'm not just talking about his his skin or his hair they assume that he's just like this typical fortune 500 CEO type of guy actually Trump is not that evolved and towards the end of this series which element I'm gonna come back I'm gonna talk about red red which comes before blue you will see that actually Trump has a lot of red in his psyche so the reason that Trump is not like your typical business person he's actually much shade here then your typical kind of high-functioning corporate executive is because he's got a lot of red that he hasn't evolved out of yet and so it's a mixed Trump is like a mix of pure orange and pure red and because of this a lot of people in the media don't really understand why Trump behaves the way he behaves because they sort of see him as a typical orange person but then Trump a lot of ways behaves as a corrupt red person and then that baffles many people because like but how could he do that because he's that red that's how other examples of orange include trophy hunting breast implants plastic surgery Botox liposuction pornography playboy hustler magazine Hugh Hefner Larry Flynt strip clubs Hollywood as a business now Hollywood's a little bit nuanced because you have to separate out Hollywood as a business which is highly highly Orange it's all about profits versus the Hollywood celebrities who tend to be liberal green people so when you see at the at Oscars you see these liberal elite liberal elite celebrities and progressives who go out there and they criticize Republicans and conservatives and they they talk about justice these are the social justice warriors that everyone makes fun of this source of stuff you know yes in that sense those Hollywood celebrities mm-hmm they are definitely more towards green in their political agenda but they're very orange when it comes to their business careers and Hollywood as a whole business model is extremely Orange Hollywood really doesn't care about what it depicts on the television screen as long as it earns billions of dollars which is why we see this sort of race down to the bottom with all these movies it's just of all about action and spectacle and it's just all about entertainment popcorn flicks you just eat as much popcorn and and soda as possible and and you know this movies movies these days they don't have much soul they don't have much heart they don't present you with with sort of higher ideals spiritual ideals these sorts of movies they don't make big money what makes big money is these these these like stupid transformers movies these superhero movies which are very very shallow very materialistic and flimsy but they're popular so they work other examples of Orange supermodels Silicon Valley start venture capital Bill Gates and Warren Buffett now again these two are a little bit tricky because these days Bill Gates and Warren Buffett now that they're old now that they're getting close to the end of their life they are becoming more socially conscious and actually they're moving into green and even into yellow like Bill Gates with his foundation Warren Buffett also is donating large chunks of money and he's speaking out about excess of capitalism this sort of stuff unfair tax policies how he gets taxed less than his secretary this sorts of stuff right so these people when they were younger they were all orange acquiring billions of dollars and now as they get older they see that off this orange stuff it it's not really that meaningful and so now of course you're giving away lost their money and they're found they're starting foundations they're helping children in Africa with vaccines and doing science and research and all this sort of non profit type of work so they are definitely moving up there I wouldn't classify Bill Gates today as an orange person he's probably much more green and yellow than he is Orange now but in his in his like Microsoft days when he was doing Microsoft he was probably much more Orange other examples casinos theme parks Carl Icahn these sort of Wall Street people who just wanna like buy up companies gut them like merge them sell them chop them up and make killing on that damn the employees the Koch brothers damn the environment will just pass regulations or government law will do government lobbying to remove regulations in order to maximize our profits and that sort of stuff and to just kind of have business run unfettered corporate raiders Walmart Amazon coca-cola McDonald's Disney Monsanto Microsoft GE AT&T IBM Facebook EA Electronic Arts all of these companies they are pure orange for the most part look at what Disney is doing with its monetization and kind of like buying up of all these different properties Star Wars Marvel and all this sort of stuff and then just kind of like monetizing the [ __ ] out of them like you can find star wars bath salts star wars soap star wars tampons Star Wars condoms like there's a Star Wars logo on everything because it sells there's like no shame in what Disney will do to to monetize its intellectual properties and of course they are gonna pay for it which you're already seeing with the degradation of the whole Star Wars universe this generally happens with all these companies see all these companies what they do is they just take orange to their excess to its extreme and so what that does is basically you're gonna milk the cow dry you're gonna milk the cow so much so fast that it's gonna follow her dead from over milking that's what all these companies basically tend to do that's the problem with rampant capitalism is that it actually eats itself alive Facebook you see this with Facebook and now Facebook is trying to put on this image of becoming more green it's like we care about your privacy and we care about this and that we're changing up our business model because Mark Zuckerberg he was a purely Orange minded individual for most of his life and now what's happening is that after he's acquired his billions and all this now he's seeing that there's more to the world than billions of dollars and just increasing the number of his subscribers to Facebook ultimately it's not satisfying so where's he gonna go from here he's gonna become more green you see he's gonna start to develop a little bit of a social conscious he's gonna start to care what Facebook how its influencing the world house influencing politics you know he doesn't like the alt-right abusing Facebook or Russia abusing Facebook to you know to manipulate like this sort of stuff this is not gonna be satisfying to him so he's gonna be locking down those channels but of course he's still probably gonna be very stuck in Orange and so he's gonna be worried about well yeah I want to I want to make Facebook more green but I don't want to lose all my profits and all of my subscribers how do i reconcile that balance well that's the tricky balance to figure out so that's what he's struggling with right now Electronic Arts is a really good example for you gamers out there you guys like playing games well video games as a whole is a perfect example of a stage orange gamer culture perfect example but see maybe you can start to see the limits of orange when you look at what EA does with its games and with microtransactions you see microtransactions not popping up in all these games of course you hate it these loot boxes and things were the nickel and dimed you for every little upgrade every weapon all the sorts of stuff and it ruins all the good games that you're excited for what is that that's what happens when orange goes to its peak that's unchecked capitalism for you right there and you know actually I was in the game industry back in 2007-2008 and I remember the very moment I was a game designer at at irrational games and we were working on BioShock Infinite at the time it wasn't even announced I was doing pre-production on it and I remember one of the heads of our studio walked in and he says yeah I was I was talking to the CEO of of take 2 which was like the parent company that owned irrational and he said yeah we need we need to put microtransactions into Bioshock and I'm like I'm thinking to myself I don't say this but to myself thinking what the [ __ ] I am not putting microphones actions into my video games because I was sort of like a very idealistic game designer like no I'm not [ __ ] putting microtransactions into my games and I actually I left the studio shortly thereafter because I started my own business and that was that and I sort of exited my game career but um but is very interesting and then I didn't play games for quite a long time mmm and now I kind of I look back at the game industry I see how much has changed like it's just completely filled with microtransactions out just completely cheapened the artistry of games in my opinion and so a lot of you gamers are feeling it so there you go and as you feel that you start to move a little bit more towards green because you start to see that man orange orange orange unfettered orange becomes pretty toxic other examples of orange enron research and development lobbyists Dick Cheney Halliburton yuppies the internet as a whole bodybuilding Arnold Schwarzenegger typifies the orange mindset steroids corrupt politicians MBA programs golf courses fly-fishing anti-union laws patent trolls Western medicine the entire Western medicine especially in America the whole medical system is so corrupt with orange it's it's quite disgusting Larry Ellison CEO of Oracle is a very orange kind of guy Steve Ballmer oh man Steve Ballmer's like the perfect embodiment of orange even his energies his whole like leadership style of like energy and charisma it's pure orange Dave Rubin pure orange stefan molyneux pure orange outsourcing deregulation tax cuts trickle-down economics payday loans sweatshops junk food fast food energy drinks used car salesman marketing sales and PR focus groups television as a whole and an especially reality TV typifies to stage orange infomercials game shows news outlets like CNN MSNBC the liberal media as its called people like to rail the right-wing lights to rail on CNN MSNBC as being a very liberal and there's definitely news anchors on there who lean green but I mean mostly mainstream news is pure orange it's all about the advertising dollars it's not about the ideological positions for them and so if anything the bias that mainstream news has is not against conservativism it's against well it's towards rather I should say it's towards is towards money is source preserving the whole capitalist enterprise it's actually against true progressivism true progressivism can't really flourish on CNN or MSNBC because that whole enterprise is all about making tizen dollars see there can't really be a deep critique of the whole cable news industry because the whole thing is just corrupted with money and I don't really see how that's gonna change other examples ecommerce the financial industry software engineers technical scientists nuclear weapons luxury yachts private jets personal helicopters real estate tycoons railroads of the Gilded Age the robber barons Andrew Carnegie Rockefeller JP Morgan William Hearst Rupert Murdoch Robert Mercer technocrats cocaine alcohol pop music rock music club music rap music some rock music is actually read but that's like the very violent kind of rap music actually that's probably more authentic rap music but then you have this more shallow consumerist rap music we're basically rappers or singing about getting rich and [ __ ] like that and how many girls they can bang that's that's orange the trophy wife the gold digger oil drilling in Alaska champagne and caviar fancy restaurants luxury resorts cruise ships mercenaries Blackwater gated communities mansions success magazine private prep schools poker players the self-help industry like I said the self-help industry has different segments in it but mostly it starts with orange like the Tony Robbins sort of stuff tends to be very materialistic it's all about like how do you personally succeed and and get a lot of wealth and then once you kind of evolve past that then you move into this sort of more Oprah style a little bit more spiritual more woowoo type of self-help and then you move into sort of the Deepak Chopra more stage yellow and turquoises sort of like non-dual sort of self-help which is what actualized org basically is business books business seminars marketing seminars people like Dan Kennedy who is a marketing guru and his whole marketing philosophy is just basically how do you market the [ __ ] out of something without any kind of moral compunction whatsoever like manipulate it exploit anything you can to market it to its fullest people like Tim Ferriss Tony Robbins ty Lopez ty Lopez is a really good example of staged orange the kind of stuff he teaches Brian Tracy Michael Shermer founder of skeptic magazine this guy has turned scepticism into a religious cult and he founded a whole magazine about it I mean he's deluded to the point where it would take me a whole hour to explain all of his delusions but this is what happens with orange is that you take skepticism to this sort of a religious level Richard Dawkins another example of this completely lost within the limits of empiricism and rationality and and evolutionary theory to the point of delusion physicist Lourdes Lawrence Krauss Daniel Dennett Sean Carroll Stephen Hawking Christopher Hitchens all of these people are stuck in orange to a certain degree mostly at the metaphysical level they might have greenish political beliefs and so forth I bet they most of them do but uh but as far as their metaphysics and they're sort of clinging to science that's that's what keeps them at orange consulting success coaches the millionaire mindset net worth sports cars Mercedes BMW Rolls Royce Lamborghini Ferrari VIP celebrities paparazzi's Las Vegas the Cannes Film Festival Aspen Colorado Palm Springs Hong Kong Macau Dubai cost-benefit analysis nerd culture polyester clothing PT Barnum snake oil salesman atheist skeptics separation of church and state enlightenment values Western values the founding fathers like Benjamin Franklin Voltaire Thomas Jefferson the Renaissance the Industrial Revolution factories Henry Ford the World Trade Organization the Ferengi race from Star Trek you remember the Ferengi x' they're all about money the perfect stereotype of stage orange actually you know the Star Trek races they were actually developed based off of the spiral dynamics model or more accurately the work of Clare graves so gene Roddenberry who was the developer of Star Trek back in the early days in the 1960s the the very first series with with Captain Kirk he actually based the different races like the the Klingons the Ferengi and some of these others on different stages of the Clare graves psychological model and so we have Ferengi is orange the Klingons are more reddish and then you have like the who else blue blue is the humans are kind of yellowish with their prime directive not to interfere and you have the like yeah if I forget with the the blue honest I'm not a I don't watch that much Star Trek then we got Kim Kardashian we got Kanye West Paris Hilton Bernie Madoff Paul Manafort sex drugs and rock and roll that whole revolution was all about orange sort of oranges reaction against blue the midlife crisis shopping malls fashion shows NASA SpaceX Elon Musk this sort of cult worship that L on musk gets these days why is that why is Ellen musk so popular it's mostly because people want to glorify Orange and so that they have this sort of fantasy that technology can save humanity from all of its problems if only everybody's driving electric cars and we have a base on the moon and on Mars and we have SpaceX and rockets and all this sorts of stuff and we have we're drilling tunnels in the earth if L Musk's all of his dreams come true then we're gonna be living in this sort of technological utopia now some people will object - leo leo but Elon Musk he cares about the environment and he wants to improve mankind so isn't that kind of green definitely certainly LR musk is a much more conscious CEO than probably the CEO of a tobacco company or Halliburton or something like that but still you see you see musk is sort of like on this boundary between green and orange but still very very heavily orange because sort of technology is his is his area of expertise and there's no recognition with an L on musk of like consciousness the importance of consciousness the importance of emotions these sorts of things like if he really understood that then he would actually build his his his companies to reflect that but his companies are all materialistic companies it's about cars it's about rockets it's about altering the brain through like modifications through the skull so it's almost like crude materialistic sort of stuff and I'm not criticizing him really too much or blaming him we need all that stuff we need better technology we need green cars we need better batteries we need to perhaps have a station on Mars just in case we we blow ourselves up here you know yeah we need that but it's not gonna solve mankind's fundamental problems not at all in fact it's gonna create a whole new set of problems which of course he is sort of conscious of you know he's conscious of the fact that artificial intelligence could could be a very big problem and so that that's good he's looking out for us a little bit but then you know the road to hell is paved with good intentions as they say so we'll see what happens from all that technology other examples for-profit universities get-rich-quick schemes online millionaires Bitcoin forex day trading utilitarianism logical positivism behaviorism Darwinism social media gun rights Ivy League universities Harvard Yale Princeton MIT Caltech the whole military-industrial complex Lockheed Martin northrop grumman Sigmund Freud is an example of orange Sigmund Freud's work in a sense of sort of was identifying all the repressed guilt and shame that came from blue and from the sort of the moralization that came from this entire era of of religious blue society and so Sigmund Freud was one of the first to recognize that all that shame and all that guilt gets gets buried deep in the subconscious mind and creates all sorts of problems and neuroses and of course he's right about that part but uh he had many of his own problems Harvey Weinstein perfect example of orange gone wild the 2008 financial collapse that's what happens when orange gets taken to its peak with deregulation the.com bubble burst of the of the early 2000s with in art you have the cubism movement Abstract Expressionism surrealism these typify orange values multi-level marketing is purely orange viagra DDT asbestos billboards GMOs cloning the Human Genome Project stem-cell research robotics computers birth control sex education Orange unlike blue believes in science-based sex education which pisses blue off because blue thinks sex should be repressed and hidden and shouldn't certainly be talked about with children and you certainly shouldn't give condoms to children or to teenagers because that's gonna encourage them to have sex so instead what you do is you give them virginity pledges and rings and stuff like that which of course doesn't work because you can't repress sex all-you-can-eat buffets Hiroshi Hiroshi is the Japanese word for death through overwork that's what happens when orange goes to his extreme Alex Jones Alex show is an interesting character because he's got like half blue half orange and then another half dose of crazy just pure crazy so that's three halves he's a big guy three has to him look with Alex Jones yeah he fights a lot for these kind of blue conservative values but also a lot for orange sort of independent values and of course the way that he monetizes his entire operation and the millions of knowledge that he earns every month from selling all these vitamins and all this sort of [ __ ] nonsense it's really quite disgusting that's what orange does or orange monetizes everything and so you get this unholy alliance between blue ideology and orange success and money and when these things do come together like they do for a lot of TV evangelists who make lots of money doing like preaching prosperity these prosperity preacher evangelists they you see man it's just as this toxic corrosive and sort of combination of money and ideology that kind of like lock together and you man you're not gonna split those apart that turns into a sort of a stalemate situation where that person gets gets stuck in at because the money is so tempting for the ego on the one hand and then the ideology is so tempting to the ego on the other hand and when the money comes in based on you preaching your ideology you become so convinced that the ideology is true and correct because look the marketplace is rewarding you for it and so it's just becomes the sort of self-justifying circle of nonsense and then the persons weren't just kind of gets lost in it Howard Stern represents the sort of rise of vulgarity from blue in a sense Howard Stern was reacting against blue and if you watched his movie private parts really good movie it shows you how sort of how he had to deal with the whole blue radio business and he had to sort of innovate he tried to be this kind of shock jock and talk about all this vulgar stuff on the radio but back in the I don't know what it was the 70s I guess he was becoming popular in the 70s or 80s like I'm America was still very blue and it wasn't having any of that so he was getting fired from different places he was creating a lot of problems for saying vulgar words on the air but eventually he sort of just like the culture changed so much and he was instrumental to heip to help American culture transition from blue to orange that then it just sort of become acceptable and now he gets paid millions tens of millions of dollars every single year for just saying bolder stuff all the time and people love it and that's the shift and of course that pisses blue off because blue is all about decency and they see that as a corruption of culture house of cards is a perfect example this sort of Machiavellian just like pure manipulation and exploitation playing these political games just for one's own benefit the movie Avatar do you remember the main theme of Avatar it was all about this evil corporation that was trying to mine this this this rare resource and it didn't give a damn what the costs were so it destroyed all these trees and all these blue cat like aliens and all this so there's this epic clash between between nature and man's desire to basically rape Mother Earth and so that was uh that was a really good theme that resonated with our current times I remember the movie boiler room have you watched that one that was a great movie that shows you what orange taken to its excess looks like and the problems with that and the last example I'll give you is Sam Harris and I left him for last because he's a complicated character and I don't have a time here to go into all the intricacies of the problems with Sam Harris hmm but the reason I put him in the orange category and he's not pure orange certainly he has a lot of green in him he has a lot of very liberal political ideas and he even has little shades of yellow here and there and he does spirituality does the Buddhist thing yeah he does a little bit of that stuff but but fundamentally sam Harris's reason for is to promulgate this rationalist logical materialist paradigm which comes sort of from his reaction against blue fundamentalist religion that's why yes problems with Islam and Christianity all sort of stuff and so this is his whole his whole shtick and the reason that sam harris is sort of becoming this this cultural icon and he's becoming so popular precisely because there are so many people who find themselves in orange and they want a way to sort of like entrench themselves in this this rationalist logical materialist atheistic mindset and and sort of react against blue and blue is such an easy target for orange you know it's so easy to criticize crazy fundamentalists it's the easiest thing in the world and so it's sort of that that sam harris helps his audience to do that that's the role he fills and so even though sam harris is more evolved and more nuanced than most of his audience most of the people who watch him and who love him and who have become sam harris fanatics what they are is they're just pure orange they're pure orange and they're sort of by his body into the whole orange metaphysics so what's interesting with harris is that his metaphysics is orange which actually holds him back from actually becoming fully enlightened and and his but but then he has the sort of heavily green ideals of human equality and the sorts of stuff and the other thing with harris is that he's a moralist so ironically he's a very confused figure a very sort of complicated figure as many of us are is that he wants to maintain the moralism of blue and at the same time used the moralism of blue against blue so he tries to moralize to islam and to the christians but he wants to moralize from a secular position which is just so funny i in the future maybe i'll shoot a whole episode about sam harris and jordan peterson because you know usually i would want to do that because i don't like to just criticize people and snipe it i don't want to like get into the mud fleeing contests that happened with these kinds of political and like pseudo intellectual debate with these sorts of people but on the other hand you know these people they spread an ideology Sam Harris is spreading a rationalist secular ideology and it's very toxic it might seem to orange people that actually this is good what Sam Harris doing is good and it is when you compare it relative to blue so certainly what seminars is doing is is far superior to let's say becoming a fundamentalist Christian but the problem is is that it then it then gets people entrenched into orange and unable to see beyond orange unable to really learn about spirituality and non-duality which is quite ironic because he also teaches meditation so just very this is a very complicated messy situation with him so maybe in the in the in the future all kind of picked out a part a little bit more so what I want you to notice with all these examples is I want you to notice how much diversity there is an orange you don't have to check off every single box you don't have to believe in every single value on the list of orange to be orange certain areas you'll be more involved in and in other areas not so much as far as orange statistics goes about 30 percent of the adult global population is orange quite a big chunk and perhaps even more importantly 50 percent of the total world influence cultural influence is dominated by orange so right now people all over the world are predominantly being indoctrinated into the orange value system through business through science through politics and especially through the media and through Hollywood and through video games and through music the government style of orange is technocratic capitalist oligarchic and corporatist and now we're going to take a quick intermission because I've been talking for a long time you need a quick break and when I come back I'm gonna talk about the the excesses of orange and how to transcend orange which will be very important so stick around alright let's talk about the unhealthy manifestations and excesses of orange remember that every stage has both its positives and its negatives and for the most part orange is a huge step up from blue and for most people most of the time orange manifests itself in a sort of healthy sense of competition a healthy sense of entrepreneurial spirit a healthy sense of Independence and desiring to improve yourself learn new skills and to develop financial independence and to learn to use technology and to open your mind to science and to reason so all of this stuff generally is healthy and the majority of people at stage Orange are reasonably well-adjusted human beings who are kind and decent most of the time however when you get orange without any limits orange that just runs amok and when you have lots of people doing orange indiscriminately and when they create corporations and large groups and organizations and tired governments entire systems entire mobs of orange then you start to run into all sorts of problems such as environmental destruction this is one of the most unhealthiest manifestations of orange because orange doesn't care about the environment it doesn't care about its effect on the ecosystem so this leads to pollution deforestation global warming overfishing endangering various kinds of species from whales to polar bears to elephants to rhinoceroses to monkeys and so on all around the world many of the species that's estimated like 50 percent of of the planet species are now threatened coral reefs dying plastic waste nuclear waste landfills depletion of resources like water aquifers like they had this problem recently in South Africa where the entire entire city their entire region there ran out of water and so that is becoming a problem more and more around the world and it will continue to be as populations are rising because see oranges idea is that hey we're just gonna continue to grow our economy indefinitely right they need constant growth but what happens when your economy starts to max out what happens when your population reaches ten twenty billion people on this planet and you're putting a strain on the environment what happens then does the entire system come crashing down I don't know what to see but we're already starting to see the strains of that on our planet and orange is usually in denial about this because orange just likes the sort of fantasy that we're all individuals and that we don't need to worry about ecological problems we don't need to worry about communal problems but of course we do need to worry about communal problems and that's what orange sort of is denial in denial about another unhealthy manifestation of orange is this sort of secular materialist indoctrination which happens where people are programmed with scientific dogmas and they don't think critically about what science really is and they just assume that science can be used as a cure-all solution to all problems and they just assume that science tracks the truth they don't question the epistemic or metaphysical foundations of science and so what happens is the rise of scientism science and logic become the new religion Orange think that it's so sophisticated because it's left behind the old blue religion of the prior stage but really what's happened is that God and the Holy Bible has been replaced by scientists and PhDs and materialism and the big bang theory and the atomic theory and that sort of thing and logic see and the deep irony is that the people like Richard Dawkins and like Sam Harris who rants against the evils of stage blew themselves follow to the very same trap of now becoming dogmatic about materialism and not recognising the limits of materialism another unhealthy excess of orange is capitalism turned into a religious ideology many people treat capitalism as though it is the cure to all of mankind's problems as though there's like two choices either capitalism or communism and clearly everyone knows that communism has failed in is evil and therefore capitalism is all good this sort of very simplistic notion of capitalism without recognizing its limits another unhealthy manifestation is the misuse of evidence and scientific studies orange is quick to use any kind of scientific study that it can to justify whatever position it basically wants and it never really seriously investigates the deeper epistemic question of what is evidence what qualifies as a fact what distinguishes fact from theory and Theory from truth these are all different things but orange doesn't make these subtle and tricky distinctions for orange there just are facts because there is an external physical reality and that's what science tracks and human science is just a universal objective discipline and mathematics is just universal orange doesn't recognize that science is actually highly human biased there's nothing Universal about science at all and mathematics is also biased to the human species that's how the human species looks at the world reason and logic these are not universal principles this is how the human species understands the world orange in its excess is in denial about spirituality god-consciousness emotions femininity intuition love and magic none of these things are real for orange and orange has difficulty dealing with them or understanding other people who do orange is intellectually arrogant because orange looks down at blue and sees all look at those blue superstitious people because I am a champion of reason and of logic and of science therefore I have transcended the whole problem of human knowledge and ignorance and delusion because I've got my scientific studies but see what I don't acknowledge as orange is that scientific studies really don't mean [ __ ] you've got a new study coming out every week every month that's telling you some other conclusion and these science are extremely these studies are extremely narrow and so the question is which study should you choose to believe and and these studies they don't have a holistic big picture understanding of reality all one of these studies is telling you is its tracking one little variable within some some little domain which tells you nothing about how this plays into the larger picture of how to live your life and what reality is to use evidence and studies requires actually a lot of very deep wisdom and intelligence and intuition it's not something you can do through just a blindly citing studies the whole problem of science is that you have to very carefully differentiate between all the different interpretations of all the data science is not black and white in the sense that science tells you what's true or not true because every system of understanding the world and every fact is actually theory Laden your theories and your concepts and your metaphysics and your pista mala G colors what facts you get back from your experimental data and your microscopes and your telescopes so the theories that you use to get your facts determines what facts you get back and so it creates this sort of self-fulfilling prophecy effect which is the basically confirmation bias but a stage Orange is not aware of its own confirmation bias so stage Orange will be very quick to point out the confirmation biases of stage blue but won't see it within himself because stage Orange lacks a sort of metaphysical and epistemic ability to self reflect in an unbiased way that's because it's reacting it's blue stage orange conflates blue religion with higher post rational levels of mysticism like stage green or stage yellow or stage turquoise mysticism and because of this orange just kind of lumps it all together this is all it's all religion it's all nonsense it's all just fairytales which of course is not true at all stage Orange therefore cannot understand the true origins of religion stage orange cannot understand why religion is so persistent and continues to exist to this day and why I play such a big influence in politics and human affairs all around the world even today in the 21st century stage orange just cannot fathom this and therefore stage orange gets triggered and is always sort of in reaction against this because fundamentally it's it's it's deluded about the origins of religion stage orange doesn't see that religion actually comes from mysticism and from non-duality stage Orange in its excess cannot understand non duality or mysticism and therefore dismisses it and therefore for stage Orange there's no possibility for a deep spiritual connection to reality stage Orange therefore cannot crack the problem of consciousness stage orange cannot overcome the duality of mind and body and stage orange cannot understand post rationalism because it's lumping post rationalism in with pre rationalism because it's entrenched within rationalism in its excess stage orange can become narcissistic and self-absorbed it can lack compassion for others in its excess stage orange becomes oppressive in a corporate sort of way corporate oppression predatory capitalism predatory lending unethical business practices high-pressure sales tactics price gouging false advertising the promotion of get-rich-quick schemes and pyramid schemes which end up hurting lots of people and ultimately collapsing the exploitation of third world countries by first world countries cruel working conditions and sweatshops income inequality gross levels of income inequality and poverty which stage orange just turns a blind eye to and is in denial about and the way that it gets away with this is stage orange traced is just fit the sort of libertarian justification which says that all those people who are poor or struggling or are victims of this these cruel working conditions and sweatshops and income inequality that actually that's their fault it's because they're lazy it's because they don't want to go to school they don't want to learn it's because they're religious so it blames those people for these systemic problems of capitalism of course with capitalism you have the problem of oligarchy which will you see a rising all around the world and when capitalism gets out of hand the middle class starts to shrink as the gap between the the middle class and the lower class and the upper class upper class starts to earn more and more of the wealth and so there's just a gross these gross income inequalities which starts to actually lead to political destabilization and we're starting to notice that now and it's getting worse and worse in recent decades and we'll see where ultimately that ends it could end in some very nasty political uprisings revolutions Wars riots all sorts of things like that we don't even know what the what the full ramifications that will end up being in it's excess orange is very legalistic it will use lawsuits frivolously as a weapon wars are waged with lawsuits with expensive lawyers patent trolling this sort of stuff orange also engages in disaster capitalism disaster capitalism if you ever heard of it it's actually really worth studying there's some great books written about this I have a few on my book list it's quite nasty stuff because stage Orange has taken on capitalism and libertarianism as this sort of new religion it believes that every country and every situation is improved by deregulation and by freeing up the marketplace the the free marketplace is supposed to solve all of life's problems and inequalities and so what happens now when there's a disaster in some part of the country or some part of the world then capitalists come in there and they start to deregulate everything be nationalize everything in an attempt to put in the perfect capitalist system then what we see actually happens as we see either a collapse in that region or we see a even more gross income inequality or basically you just have profiteering by these uh shady capitalists and that region of the world is destroyed we've said we've seen that happen for example with the post-soviet air after collapse of the Soviet Union the disaster capitalists came in there and try to make capitalism work but all that led to is just gross income inequality and then what happened was that the oligarchs and Russia seized the most valuable and lucrative national assets all for themselves they basically stole it for themselves became overnight billionaires and then the rest of the country now is is under there for the last decade or two and under Putin and all of his cronies and his astra capitalism has been tried in all sorts of other areas like after Hurricane Katrina other places in the world like in Iraq it's been tried and lead led to disastrous results yeah it's quite nasty stuff with staged orange you can have unsustainable economies because it relies on never-ending growth to maintain stability and of course never-ending growth is a pipe dream it doesn't ultimately work so in the short term capitalism works but in the long term it's really unsustainable so we see economic and stock market collapses like in 2008 which can hurt lots of people and further increase income inequality there is this nasty tendency with stage Orange to privatize gains and to socialize losses like the big banks like to do they make very bisque risky bets with their investments and stuff knowing that hey if the bank collapses the gun will just have to come and bail us out because we are so important to them and because they can't risk destabilizing the entire country so they're gonna bail us out and meanwhile we're gonna align our pockets and then who cares what happens in ten years if the whole economy crashes in ten years doesn't matter to me because I've made fifty million dollars I'll live on that 50 million dollars for the rest of my life who cares what's happening around me that's the sort of orange Wall Street mentality the military-industrial complex can also lead to some nasty orange type of outcomes like wars for resources or simply maintaining wars because it's good for business it's good for manufacturing of all these military weapons Jets bullets guns doesn't really matter who's getting killed with my weapons my rockets my nuclear my nuclear weapons or my bullets as long as I can keep manufacturing bullets don't care cuz I'm not gonna see where all this all these weapons get deployed in the third world doesn't matter if I'm living in New York it doesn't matter it's not gonna reach me unless of course you're working in in the twin towers and then it does come back and it reaches you you see the problem with orange is that orange isn't systemic enough to see how the damage that it causes in the third world and all these other places it thinks that's not going to come back and bite it in the ass but it will so these these billionaires who own these coal factories and who do this environmental pollution well one day they might wake up and discover that their child has asthma or their child was polluted or that there's the child has cancer or they have cancer their wife has cancer or something like that because of what has been putting in the in the food or because of the pollution in the air and then they'll start to understand like oh yeah I can't just be a selfish bastard I have to also care about the larger ecosystem orange can lead to the corruption of government and corporate lobbying which we're seeing in America right now and it's really corroding our otherwise relatively good democracy that we have going it's it's it's really getting corroded by corporate lobbying orange can lead to arms races and really the worst outcome for orange is a worldwide nuclear Armageddon orange people like to complain how the greatest danger for the whole earth is getting overrun by religious theocracy the stuff in Saudi Arabia and Iran and by terrorists that's not the greatest danger to the world the greatest danger to the world is staged orange the greatest danger to the world is that stage orange will accidentally trigger a nuclear holocaust or that it will build some kind of future technology like artificial intelligence which will end up being the demise of all of mankind but orange because it only seeks to maximize next quarters profits doesn't care about that and so in that sense orange can be so short-sighted that it can basically shoot itself in the head without realizing that it's doing so and then it's too late to fix the problem once the nuclear weapons have been launched stage orange in its excess can lead to animal abuse and factory farming which can be quite disturbing and disgusting stage orange actually actively lobbies and passes laws did you know that they're actually laws in American states that forbid filming this kind of stuff that happens in factory farms because it's so disturbing that if you knew what went into making your sausages that you loved so much in your bacon and all that stuff that you would probably never purchase that stuff ever again stage orange leads to monopolies which prevents small businesses from being able to flourish stage orange leads to deregulation which can create all sorts of problems stage orange leads to shallow consumerist culture and then from that we have all these other social problems that arise because now when life is just about materialism and you're only living for the now and you're trying to maximize your pleasure in the moment then what happens you basically become a glutton and a hedonist and they're therefore we get problems like obesity people eating junk food all the health problems that come from eating this toxic fast food and all the the junk food that you find in the supermarket's all the corn and and sugar and salt and and fat and trans fat and all the sorts of stuff and chemicals in your food this of course leads to increases in cancer increases in ADHD increases in autism increases in all the diabetes and heart disease problems and erectile dysfunctions and and all of this what do you think has come from this is from orange decadence orange leads to sex addiction porn addiction shopping addiction drug addict Media addiction unhealthy manifestations of orange leads to the treating of women as sexual objects which of course leads the destruction of a family unit increased divorce rates excess orange leads to the sort of alpha male posturing that you see happening within the pickup communities you see it happening within the alt-right trolls online the sort of alpha male mentality alpha males trying to out alpha other alpha males but deep down they're really insecure about their masculinity so it's a sort of a fake masculinity and deep down a lot of these men they have self-image problems low self-esteem problems so no matter how good they get at sleeping with girls or acting macho no matter how many guns you buy or how much money you earn fundamentally you're still really not comfortable being a man and you still feel like there's something wrong with you stage orange leads to depression and lots of suicides you've seen the suicides in the news almost every month or every year we have a new batch of celebrity suicides whether it's Anthony Bourdain or some fashion design or some celebrity or some musician of Ichi you see this stuff what's going on there because stage Orange recognizing not nothing else but materialism it goes through this whole materialists rickum rigmarole and then eventually it gets to the end of that it realizes that materialism is completely Hollow there's no satisfaction to be found within materialism and so at that point really you've got two options option one is that you offer yourself because that's it you're so depressed there's nowhere else to go and option number two is that you find some kind of new connection to spirituality you basically have to evolve into stage green you have to start to reconnect with human beings if they're reconnect with your heart reconnect with your intuitions and emotions and your feminine side and acknowledge there is spirituality beyond just materialism but of course many orange people don't know that this is even an avenue for them because they're so indoctrinated into the ideology of materialism and of rationalism and of this sort of cold logical approach to life the problem is that science doesn't make you satisfied many of our best scientists and Nobel Prize winners and quantum physicists and logicians they actually end up in insane asylums or they end up taking antidepressants and they are basically dissatisfied by the end of the life even though they made all these discoveries and they think they understand the world but really you don't understand themselves they don't really understand reality all they have is they have these scientific models but these scientific models they don't do anything for you because that's not what life is about stay George leads to stuff like ulcers heart attacks insomnia ADHD all sorts of other kinds of difficult to diagnose and cure diseases like chronic fatigue disease dozens of different kinds of autoimmune disorders you go to the doctor you try to get it fixed but of course your doctor is deeply steeped in stage Orange he's a materialist and all he's basically doing is he's just peddling you pills that big pharma this whole capitalist system is corrupt a medical system we have he just feeds you these pills which don't actually address any of the root issues they just try to dumb down your symptoms a little bit and maybe they work a little bit but fundamentally nothing really changes and so you're walking around with all these diseases and conditions a lot of people who end up transitioning to stage green do so literally because they get to the point where it's like a do-or-die choice they're either gonna have a heart attack or they have to acknowledge themselves as stage Orange is not working and they have to surrender and transcend to stage green it's that kind of thing they have to stop their job get to stop their crazy work schedule they have to stop shoveling all this garbage junk food into their mouth because otherwise they will die sometimes it takes a heart attack to learn that or it takes a near suicide experience to learn that or it takes a cancer scare to really get you to wake up in its excess orange leads to unbridled ambition and competitive stress the competition becomes too much it becomes a stressful grind to go into work every single day worrying about competing with somebody else worrying about some other company out competing and stealing your lunch taking your number-one spot that that's fun for a while but you get you get tired of that and then eventually you want to cooperate more youth than you want to compete orange leads to workaholism this whole rat race mentality of just kind of working working working your entire life and then that can lead to burnout and in the end orange discovers that there's no satisfaction no matter how successful he becomes no matter how many billions you earn no matter how many companies Elan musk starts no matter if he creates a colony on Mars or on Saturn on Pluto it doesn't matter he's never gonna be successful through that I mean he's never gonna be satisfied through that success see cuz orange doesn't understand yet that there's no correlation between success and Happiness that's an illusion that's what was motivating the rat race but then of course orange is in denial that he's in the rat race Leo what rat race I'm not in the rat race but you're there what are you doing every day why are you going to work why are trying to be number one why are you crying all this money and all this material stuff why are you buying all this stuff why are you buying these sports cars it's not making you happy why are you having sex with all these women it's not making you any more satisfied in fact the day after you have sex with the most beautiful woman and you buy the most beautiful car and you have the most expensive house you ever wanted and you go to find vacation the day after that you're gonna be at the brink of suicide that's gonna be the most depressing day of your life because you've you've gotten everything and now you discover that [ __ ] it did almost nothing for me because what I'm really lacking is that spiritual connection which I've been denying because I've been acting against blue orange leads to a sense of isolation and loneliness because orange was always dealing with relationships in that transactional manner that I talked about so orange never formed any true deep meaningful relationships with intimate partners or with friends cuz orange never really valued relationships because they were kind of fuzzy and emotional and excessive orange leads to a stifling of creativity art and beauty because of this sort of selling yourself to the devil a lot of artists and I think this is maybe what happened with Avicii the reason of each he committed suicide I mean I'm just speculating but it's certainly a very plausible theory because this is very common what happens with orange is that orange people they get so wrapped up in the trappings of success you become a celebrity people start to value your work but then all your managers and your handlers and all your corporate sponsors they want you to keep pumping out more it's like pump will pump out more and more and more write more books make more movies make them even more popular earn even more millions of dollars for us and for yourself and for everybody else and so they kind of get you to buy into this materialistic fantasy this rat race but then as you're doing that of course you have to sacrifice your own creative soul and the artistry of your work in order to go out there and to perform every single day and to mainstream your products and then of course your audience doesn't really like the products as much as they used to and you don't any you no longer have a passion for developing these products because they lack that kind of soul really you would have been happier as an artist to have a much smaller more niche audience who is really passionate about your work because you were so passionate about your work rather than going so mainstream that it turns into like the next McDonald's where it's just garbage but hey people buy it orange leads to a cold technocracy where human beings are just like cogs in a machine orange leads to a loss of connection with nature people live in these urban environments these skyscrapers these modern New York cities and and Tokyo's but they're really they're disconnected from the way that mankind was meant to live more you know sort of rural pastoral setting that's why when you go out into nature and you disconnect from all these concrete urban jungles your whole your whole body your whole minds think in a totally different way spirituality just naturally starts to rekindle with you when you are out in nature looking at beautiful sunset beautiful canyons beautiful oceans and islands and this sorts of stuff orange in its excess loses sight of the human side of life life becomes mechanical and that's not a fun life you don't want a mechanical life you want a passionate emotional human life you don't want to trade money or you don't want to trade emotional connection and passion for money which is often what you have to do in order to be successful in some of these high-paying jobs that are available orange leads to a dysfunctional health care system like we're seeing here now in America where lots of people die needlessly because they can't afford health care because we have this sort of Big Pharma and insurance industry dominated health care system and of course Orange is in denial about all of these limitations especially the Libertarians out there in the capitalists because hey it's not supposed to be like that it's supposed to be the perfect thing orange is supposed to be the highest stage of course there's green beyond orange and then there's yellow beyond that and their circle has been there's so much more beyond orange but orange is oblivious to all that here are some common slogans that are typical of orange greed is good just do it the sky is the limit win at all costs survival of the fittest nothing ventured nothing gained can't take care of yourself grow up stop being lazy I made a killing in the market today trickle-down economics each is responsible for him or herself you never get a second chance to make a first impression there is more than one way to skin a cat we can kill two birds with one stone every man for himself pull yourself up by your bootstraps that's how worse things what triggers orange in a nutshell blue green and turquoise orange is very triggered by religion God creationism myth and superstition orange is very triggered by the new age any new age topic including spirituality mysticism any woowoo pseudoscience type of stuff or just triggered by hippies you want to trigger orange talk about Deepak Chopra nothing will trigger Orange more than having Deepak Chopra talk about how quantum mechanics justifies spirituality and God alternative medicine triggers orange chakras and healing cancer using your mind all of that triggers orange reincarnation UFOs intelligent design flat earth auras past lives the paranormal cult leaders because orange perceives all of this stuff to just be the superstitious myth that blue is participating in and orange has concluded that that's all false now of course what orange doesn't understand is that it's throwing the baby out with the bathwater it's not being careful enough with drawing these distinctions and just because something sounds new-agey or just because Deepak Chopra is talking about it just because doesn't fit your materialist paradigm just because it doesn't fit your current established scientific consensus doesn't mean it's not true because science is always lagging science is never at the cutting edge there's always like a hundred year lag between what modern science has a consensus on and what is true today the 24th century it's been a hundred years almost to the to the year since the developments of Einstein's general relativity theory and quantum mechanics and yet to this day a hundred years later most of mankind still hasn't fathom the epistemic and metaphysical ramifications of quantum mechanics and general relativity and in fact orange will go to great lengths to argue with me that Leo there are no such ramifications or just triggered by astrology or just been triggered by feminism this whole anti feminism movement that we see these days online this sort of antisocial social justice warrior or your stuff that you see online this is just orange reacting against green it's resisting moving integrate or just triggered by irrationality or unjust triggered by intuition orange doesn't like intuition because orange want everything wants everything to be quantified and laid out in a perfect logical linear sequence and of course intuition is none nonlinear so that makes orange suspicious of intuition and it makes orange think that intuition is just like whoo religious dogma when in fact it's not into Wishon is a very important thing and in fact the most the most genius scientists rely on intuition to make all their breakthroughs and discoveries that's the deep irony their orange can be triggered by philosophy or metaphysics because orange thinks that philosophy and metaphysics is just empty speculation and it's not empirical enough for orange orange is triggered by constraints on business and entrepreneurship or just triggered by having to follow rules by red tape and by bureaucracy because orange wants everything to be hyper-efficient orange is triggered by big government intervention and government regulations and the welfare state orange wants to do away with all this because orange think said hey if everyone's just self-reliant and independent we can all just achieve and we can all be success success stories rag to riches stories of course the fact is that the majority people cannot do this and all society is built like a pyramid so societies basically a giant pyramid scheme so what orange is not admitting is that not everyone can be at the top of the pyramid and so there's a necessity for the welfare state orange tends to be blind to its own privilege if you grew up as a white male for example in a first world democracy you are really ignorant about how easy you had it in your life and that doesn't mean your life has been easy but it's very hard for you to understand how difficult just how difficult other people around the world or even within your own country have had it if they were minorities or if they grew up in an abusive childhood environment or if hmm they're their mother or their father was an alcoholic or had genetic predispositions to de pressure to psychosis to mental health issues like all these things orange to sort of ignores because in order to even become orange and to become successful into to compete effectively you already have to have a lot of things going for you which of course then you tend to dismiss and you overlooking you know you don't see the other people don't have that it's only when you start to notice the gross inequalities that exist then you start to develop some compassion for other people you sure to think yourself man what if I was born with a genetic defect what if I was handicapped what if I was a woman what if I was black what if I was a minority what if I was born with low intelligence what would I do then could I could I live the orange lifestyle then would be pretty hard orange tends to get triggered by losers bums and freeloaders when orange sees a bum on the street that can trigger orange rather than triggering empathy for green that would elicit empathy for orange it would be eliciting judgment or just triggered by socialism communism and communal thinking orange does not want to think about being part of a community orange is triggered by touchy-feely topics like love emotions and intuition orange is triggered by the idea that the universe has human qualities for orange the universe must be impersonal there is no way that the universe can be metaphysically personal because it's just a bunch of atoms bouncing around in a box orange is triggered by identity politics and political correctness orange doesn't like political correctness because political correctness means that orange has to like care about a group has to fit into a group gora orange is too independently minded for that or it just cares about advancing itself doesn't really care about its community doesn't care about the impact it has on its community doesn't care about trying to improve its community those are all secondary factors for orange or just triggered by things or people who take too long to get to the point orange is triggered when there's no strategy or vision or just triggered by people who have a lack of ambition to rise above average orange is triggered by lack of focus on results in action too much talking too much debating too much sharing of emotions too much relating too much philosophy orange doesn't like this or just wants to get into action get [ __ ] done be pragmatic and then go enjoy life or just triggered by archaic blue societies like in the Middle East by theocracy by Saudi Arabia by Iran by Communist China sorts of things orange can be triggered by Hillbillies and rednecks now let's talk about how to transcend orange firstly read in-depth about the limits of orange there are a lot of books being written these days by a lot of green authors which talk about the limits of capitalism talk about the limits and the damage that are this being done to our environment and and so on and so forth I have a few of these books on my book list and I've already given you a lot of points to kind of follow up and start researching on also read in depth about green because green is your next stage Green is the stage that chances are you've been resisting its progressivism it's caring about other people it's about compassion it's about empathy it's all the sort of bleeding-heart liberal stuff that orange often has a knee-jerk reaction against so if you want to transcend orange you have to open your mind up to green and for you to do that you need to stop judging green I would say that the number one obstacle for people right now in America especially is that they are being fed with these orange ideologies which judge green and demonize green such that orange will never have an opportunity to evolve into green so what you need to do is you need to stop immediately judging hippies stop judging all New Age topics stop judging spirituality stop judging religion stop judging feminism stop judging beta males and soy boys and all these stupid derogatory monikers that you come up with in your online forums and in yarn online comments it sounds funny and cute but ultimately you're hurting yourself because by putting on this sort of demonization campaign against green you're ensuring that you will have be able to become green you understand that whatever you demonize you cannot then begin to embody and become see that because then you would be demonizing yourself and of course your ego is gonna have a huge problem with that now of course many people who are adamant about orange will say leo I don't care about that I don't care about stopping to demonize these people I don't want to become a feminist I don't want to become this beta male soy boy drinking sort of thing um I don't want to become some vegan New Age hippie well then you're gonna stay stuck at your current level of development and you're not really gonna be truly self actualizing if you really want to be self actualizing you need to go beyond green you need to go through green and then beyond green to yellow which is where I'm trying to take you to but I can't take you there as long as you're demonizing green you see stop judging emotionality stop judging compassion stop judging love these are all things you're sorely lacking and you need to round you out rather than turning you into a beta this is actually gonna make you more of a man believe it or not it's counterintuitive stop judging political correctness stop judging alternative medicine judgment is probably your number one trap and I say that because that's the number one trap with all stages every single stage judges every single other stage and that becomes the biggest obstacle because it closes your mind down to learning about the next level also to help you transcend orange ask yourself what is the price of my success sure I've been working for the last ten years to become successful and maybe I have become successful but at what price start to also notice that success is not equivalent to happiness start to notice that every time you become more and more successful all that happens is your mind just comes up with new goals and so you're in this never-ending rat race and you're never gonna win that race no amount of success will ever make you happy notice the technology does not make you happy either you keep getting new computers new phones new graphics cards today you have bigger hard drives more RAM you have higher resolution displays than you've ever had in your entire life even in just in the last 10 years look at how much that's changed and yet has it made you any happier no look at how video games have progressed video game graphics have increased by probably a million fold over the last 30 years has that made you enjoy your games more no that's because the mind just overlooks all that stuff it's called hedonic adaptation to overcome orange starts to acknowledge community acknowledge that you are a part of a community acknowledge that mankind is not a collection of individual autonomous units this libertarian ideal is complete horseshit mankind is a tightly knit community and even when you fancy yourself an individual it's only because of the community you're in the culture that you're a part of the education system you're a part of this entire spiral dynamics this entire model that you're a part of that you're going through that all of mankind is going through it's only thanks to that that you have accomplished anything as an individual you are like an ant in an ant colony thinking that it's the only ant in town that it's the king ant when really you're just little worker ant that's all you are even if you're the billionaire of some giant corporation all you are still a little ant you're part of a larger community and how you interact and relate to an effect that community matters a lot start to study spirituality serious spirituality not religious dogma stop conflating religion with spirituality stop being so logical and pragmatic there's something more to life beyond pragmatism in fact there is no satisfaction frowned and pragmatism at all yes you can get a lot of stuff accomplished using pragmatism but so what yeah you got a lot of stuff accomplished but at the end of the day you're not any happier you're not any more passionate about your life there's nothing pragmatic about passion you understand this what you want is passion not pragmatism you're a human being you're not a robot notice the limits of science and technology notice that over the last 2,000 years look at how much science has provided for us look at all the the modern luxuries and material comforts we have hot showers and air-conditioning and cars and airplanes and computers and you've got access to porn into movies non-stop and video games I mean you've got everything you've got more luxury today the average person even a poor person has more luxury than the richest Emperor or monarch had even 500 years ago let alone 2,000 years ago and yet are you any happier no you're always wanting more you're insatiable Science and Technology keeps delivering all this stuff to you but so what notice that orange society is unsustainable acknowledge the limits of capitalism as we've been talking about acknowledge the damage that business does acknowledge the gross inequality in the world acknowledge environmental destruction acknowledge animal cruelty and factory farming acknowledge that socialism isn't bad make a distinction between socialism and communism of the Soviet era and all the evils that came about there and recognize that that wasn't green that was blue I'm not telling you to go back to Soviet era communism that's not what we're talking about so stop conflating those two things find a heart-centered life purpose the way that I talk about in my course so that your life is not about earning money or just becoming successful but it's about it's about living your greatest passion and contributing something worthwhile and beautiful to mankind into the world stop working so much you work too much start deepening your relationships stop treating women just as sexual objects start to actually care about the people you're relating to stop buying a bunch of stupid [ __ ] that you don't need stop buying sports cars and luxury watches and all this sort of stuff you don't need it it doesn't make you happy at all in fact it just makes you more stressful worrying about all this stuff and maintaining all this stuff and losing and breaking all this stuff and having to sustain all this stuff with with working more and more and more to acquire more and more money to pay all your mortgages and all your car payments and all of this you don't need it simplify your life down try psychedelics at stage Orange you're ready for psychedelics at stage blue a stage blue person is not going to benefit from psychedelics because they're too close-minded but a stage orange person who is ready to transition into green psychedelics will open you up to true spirituality it will show you the possibilities of consciousness that you never imagined were possible under the materialist paradigm psychedelics can break apart materialism completely for you but you have to approach them with an open mind reconnect with nature and animals take a 10 day solo retreat in the woods where you just sit in the woods out in nature for 10 days straight doing absolutely nothing you'll experience more growth and spiritual development in those 10 days and you probably have in the last 10 years of running around in your rat race read and start to do new agey type of stuff go to music festivals try alternative and holistic medicines and therapies start recycling start treating your employees like humans and not just dispensable cogs in a machine notice that luxury is hollow let go of data and analytics and trying to quantify everything acknowledge the limits of analysis logic and quantification notice that things within life are more than the sum of their parts and that reductionism does not account for everything in reality and start to become a holistic thinker rather than just a narrow minded technical analyst surrender control manipulation and the desire to game the system and to exploit the system notice that exploitation doesn't actually satisfy you notice the disconnect within your heart from your feelings and your emotions and start to connect with that more cry more speak your heart more be more emotional embrace your feminine side embrace your intuition start to practice compassion empathy and love cut out video games television and social media and lastly to transcend orange the master key to transcending any stage is contemplation and self-reflection think about everything I talked about think about all the stuff you've read in all the books that you should be reading and all the research that you've done take notes on it and then actually analyze your behavior see how you're behaving in this orange mechanical style notice that orange is just a mind virus that you've been programmed with there's nothing special about it there's nothing important about being rational or logical or about science or any of this you're just acting out patterns in the same way that the blue religious Fundamentalist is just acting out patterns so are you the only difference is that you've been indoctrinated with a set of secular values and you're living them out as though they're your religion as though that's the only way to live life and what you're discovering is that it's completely shallow and Hollow and it makes you depressed and anxious and stressful and it gives you all sorts of bodily diseases that's all it does but to really understand that you have to contemplate and self reflect sit alone and think about everything marinate in it until it seeps in deep into your mind and you start to see the limitations that will then start to get you moving up to green so that's orange in a nutshell a lot of details here I felt like we should really cover it exhaustively because most of you are probably very stuck in orange I know I was for a long time and I still am to a certain degree but man it's really liberating to move beyond orange it's in green and yellow where you start to experience the the real joy and potential of life so in conclusion I want to warn you again to be very careful about using this model to stereotype people if you're doing that you're abusing this model orange nor any other stage is not good or bad they are healthy and unhealthy manifestations of every stage do not make the mistake of starting to demonize orange in yourself or in other people that's something I'll talk more about when we're talking about green because green has to have the problem and demonizing orange recognize that you probably are not pure orange but you have shades of other colors you're probably combination of blue orange and green maybe feel a bit more evolved than your combination of orange and green and and yellow maybe but notice that this model that we're talking about is is a nuanced and complex model it's not designed to put people into narrow little pigeon holes and it shouldn't be used as a weapon against other people you're supposed to use this model on yourself to help you to see where you need to go what your sticking points are where you're judging too much and it's supposed to give you strategies for how to evolve to the next level that can be very useful this model can cut your learning curve down by a factor of 10 so a person who doesn't know about spiral dynamics and is stuck in orange without spiral dynamics you'd probably stay stuck in orange for the rest of his life maybe if he started hanging out with the right people and he started contemplating and introspecting a little bit he would start to recognize the limits of orange and maybe he'd start to evolve a little bit into green and maybe he'd be half orange and half green by the time of his death with this model that person can realise the limits of orange and see green and see beyond green into yellow and that into turquoise see that whole thing learn the things I'm talking about learn how to transcend follow this through and then in three years he can move from orange to green and then in three more years from solid green to yellow and then from there in three or four five more years he can experience non-dual States and mystical States and really crazy stuff that would have been completely unimaginable to an orange person so that's that's the practical value of this model remember that you cannot skip over orange so if you're heavily in blue and you're just starting to get into orange you're gonna have to go through all of orange you can't skip it to go to green and that's gonna be the next stage which we're gonna talk about in the next part of this series that's it I'm done here please click like button for me and come check out actualized org that's my website check out my blog I've been posting a lot of insights there sharing a lot of videos and resources that you'll probably find interesting check out my life purpose course that will help you to take your career really what life purpose course will do will take your career from orange to and still make you very successful at the same time so understand that to transition into green doesn't mean that you have to surrender all your money and surrender all your success you can still have success green builds upon orange green doesn't replace orange every single level creates a stack which is something that people misunderstand so anyways check out my life purpose course come sign up to the forum we have interesting discussions there and actually speaking of the forum what I'm doing with this whole series is I'm creating these mega threads we're gonna have a separate thread for stage blue green orange yellow and turquoise and then we're gonna go back to red we're gonna have we're making these giant threads of examples where we're taking prototypical examples from YouTube videos of people behaving like stage green or orange or red or whatever and then we're posting them there so that you can go through you can look at all these examples you can clearly see oh yeah this person is like a orange robot or a green robot or a yellow robot and so that's um that can be very instructive to look at those examples that takes all this abstraction and theory and boils it down to something very concrete so come check that out and come check out my book list I recently updated the book list so there's a over 200 I open a book there and really the last thing I'll tell you is if you want to learn spiral dynamics it's not enough for you to just watch this six-part series that I'm gonna release even though it's in a lot of depth you need to actually sit down and read some of the literature read some of the books and I'll be adding a few more new books that I'm currently still in the process of reading I'll be adding those soon to my list which are gonna take you even deeper into the model of spiral dynamics there's a lot of research that went into this model it's extremely complicated so a lot of people who criticize for all dynamics do so because they've just heard about it and they think it's this simplistic stereotypical judgemental model that's not what it is at all it's actually grounded in some real science but you have to do some reading and some serious study to start to wrap your mind around it the beauty is is that it's gonna be highly worth it you'll be amazed at how great this model is at helping you to understand and make sense of everything that's going out around in the world it'll sort of orient you position you and then of course always remember that this is just a model and that eventually you will have to let go of spiral dynamics at some point you will grow to such an advanced state of consciousness that you will see that spiral dynamics is holding you back and you will let the whole model go that's sort of the ultimate stage that we're going to take you to but you're probably very far away from that so we have to build up to it with baby steps that's why I share a lot of models and concepts with you because most people are not capable of just going from where they are now straight to enlightenment if we could do it that way we would do it that way but hey I have a difficulty doing it myself so surely you're gonna have a difficulty doing it as well because one of the things you learn from Sproul dynamics is that human development comes in stages and steps and oftentimes it takes a long time for you get to a point where you're even receptive to reading a certain book or hearing a certain idea a lot of energy with my work has gone into trying to undermine your epistemic and metaphysical foundations because people who are stuck in orange which is where I know most of my audience is they can't understand when I talk about non-duality when I talk about God when I talk about consciousness or intelligence or I talk about what my highest vision is for you where you can go how to become a sage how to have crazy mystical experiences how to properly interpret and use psychedelics none of these things are understandable given a materialist paradigm so we have to work really hard to break that [ __ ] down to deprogram you and most people they're so closed-minded they're so programmed that they don't even know that they've been programmed so they don't even know that they need to be deprogrammed so a lot of actualizado already is helping you to deprogram you might wonder Leah why don't you just talk about enlightenment all the time because most people are not ready to here about enlightenment and even if they hear about it they don't understand it they can't put it into practice it'll take them probably five or ten years to be able to start to put that stuff into practice so we need to build a staircase that people can ascend and so that's what I'm doing with actualized Dorian it's it's quite exhausting it takes a lot of energy it would have been a lot simpler for me just to talk about enlightenment all day long like some non-duality teachers do but the problem is that that makes your audience very small because the only people who can understand what the [ __ ] you're talking about is the people who are already at hi greener at yellow you're not getting through to the blue into the orange people so this was part two of the series make sure that you stick with me for the next part which is going to be the green stage that's going to be a very important stage a lot of you are sort of borderline at that stage and I want to talk about the limitations there and how to transcend beyond green into yellow so stay tuned for that you